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This 32 page booklet contains a selection of Jo’s sketches, carefully chosen & combined to create an inspiring succession of images. Every piece in the book was drawn outdoors, on location & much of the work in this volume was made with black ink (no small feat when you’re drawing on a Pennine moorland in the middle of December!) The book features a short introduction which provides a little bit of context about Jo's sketchbook practice. 


From the book jacket “These sketches have been extracted from my 2021 sketchbooks. They were all drawn outside, from direct, first hand observation. Mostly with ink. Often using my fingers. Accompanying the drawings are some words I wrote in the same year, mostly as social media captions. These are the bits I thought worth saving. Worth sharing.”


Measures - 21 x 15cm 

Printed on recycled cards & papers

Plastic free packaging



Customer responses to the zine: 


Just perfect, informal but inspiring drawings and some useful reminders about making time for drawings. Instead of frustrations with self about 'not finding time to draw' I like the reversal to a kinder 'might this be a day for drawing'. 




I absolutely love it! I love your drawings - they are so free and true and I love the words. I use it propel me out of the door when I'm feeling lazy... your little book is doing good work! 


Sketchbook Zine

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