May 10, 2023

Drawing the Seasons - Winter Life Drawing

These photographs document 'Drawing The Seasons - Winter Life Drawing', held at Globe Arts in Slaithwaite, in February 2023. Participants began working with charcoal on paper, responding to & recording the natural forms found towards the end of Winter.

Drawing from the model we explored the concept of the push & pull of the elements in the last flush of Winter.

Drawing over charcoal sketches of seasonal foliage

One of the unique opportunities these sessions offer is the chance to combine drawings of seasonal foliage & other natural forms with those of the human figure. This presents an exciting challenge & often produces surprising results.

Working on black paper produced vibrant drawings exploring the layering of marks & points of tension in the figure.

Above - Drawings by Fiona Sharp

Above - Drawing by Sophie Cooper

Above left to right - Drawings by Fiona Sharp, Sophie Cooper & Diana Terry

Thanks to the following artists for the permission to share these images of their drawings:

Fiona Sharp, Diana Terry, Sophie Cooper, Annie Dearman, Jane Smith, Annie Roche

For more information on upcoming classes at Globe Arts please visit: